Friday, July 23, 2010

some interesting questions and answer to linx worior guyz

1)when you create a user in linux , the default settings comes from -------------

2)name the DNS records

3)What is the difference between hard links and soft links

4)what is the difference between name base and ip base virtual hosting

5)where are the kernel parameters stored in linux

6) you want to deploy linux on identical machines , which method you will use

7)Name of the file which describe the kickstart installation

8) How you give another Ip address on the same NIC (network card)

9)you defined samba shares and you want these shares to be available on network , you don't want to restart samba server

which command you will use ??
10)you want to monitor systems on your network ,what utility you will use

11) you want to backup a test.bak file on 11 PM every Sunday what you will do?

12) can you define the linux boot process

13)what is initrd

14)can you name of the actual kernel in linux

15) how you get the kernel version

16)how you change run levels in linux

17) you want /dev/hda10 mounted whenever your system boots what you will do

18) you want bind to be run at boot time ,which command you will use

19)which utility will give you information about running process at run time

20) you want to know if nfs package is installed on your system

21) what is the difference between rpm , yum and RHEN

22) what is a proc directory

23) what is the difference between current directory and home directory

24)what is exit status in linux

25)you have a dual boot system with windows XP and Fedora Linux , you want to access windows partition which is on fat32 file system , what you will do ??

The answers are here .......................... !

ans 1) /etc/skel.

ans 2) Mx records.

ans 3) Hard links for files only and soft links are for both directoris and files.

ans 4) in ip base you are running more than one web site

on the same server machine,and in name base you have to put more than one DNS record for your IP address in the DNS.

ans 5) in /boot.

ans 6) for example, BIND

ans 7) vc-ligo.tar.gz .

ans 8) copy a file in /etc/sysconfig/network-script/ifcfg-eth0 to ifcfg-eth0:1 .

ans 9) service network reload .

ans 10) Anue systems, makes a Net Tool Optimizer that is used to connect multiple monitoring.

ans 11)you can edit a crontab .

ans 12) its a very long prosedure dude . prosedure of starting of linux os from power on to login prompt..

  1. BIOS: The Basic Input/Output System is the lowest level interface between the computer and peripherals.
    The BIOS performs integrity checks on memory and seeks instructions on the Master Boor Record (MBR) on the floppy drive or hard drive.
  2. The MBR points to the boot loader (GRUB or LILO: Linux boot loader).
  3. Boot loader (GRUB or LILO) will then ask for the OS label which will identify which kernel to run and where it is located (hard drive and partition specified). The installation process requires to creation/identification of partitions and where to install the OS. GRUB/LILO are also configured during this process. The boot loader then loads the Linux operating system.
    • See the YoLincreating a boot disk linux tutorial on for more information on GRUB and LILO and also to learn how to put the MBR and boot loader on a floppy for system recovery.
  4. The first thing the kernel does is to execute init program. Init is the root/parent of all processes executing on Linux.
  5. The first processes that init starts is a script /etc/rc.d/rc.sysinit
  6. Based on the appropriate run-level, scripts are executed to start various processes to run the system and make it functional

ans 13) initrd image is the initial ram disk image While the system getting booted the kernel image will get loaded into the main memory.

ans 14) vmlinuxz.

ans 15) uname -r .

ans 16) from inittab .

ans 17)put the entry in fstab with proper drivers and mount point(/dev/hda10 mount point ext2/3 defaults 0 0).

ans 18)chkconfig.

ans 19)top command and ps -el.

ans 20)rpm -qa nfs and you can check export file in /etc.

ans 21)rpm required dependency software and yum can install automatically with dependancy .

ans 22)The /Prock is a strange beast. It doesn't really exist, yet you can explore it. Its zero-length files are neither binary nor text.

ans 23)home directory is one over which user have complete controland it is its default working directory when its logs in.while the current directory is the users current directorywhich may or may not be his home directory.

ans 24)Linux command has a several parameters or variables that can be use to find out the exit status of command. Please note that these parameters or variables may only be referenced assignment to them is not allowed. You can use $? to find out the exit status of command($ echo $?).

ans 25)we have to recompile the kernal with added fat32 drivers and boot from that kernal.


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